Studying Biology in Ehime University

The 21st century is characterized as the era of biology, which delves into the principles and mechanisms of life and explores the evolutionary history of living organisms. Biology has expanded into various fields and disciplines and is interconnected with other sciences and technologies.

All life phenomena can be observed through a hierarchical perspective, from the molecular and cellular levels to the population, community, and ecosystem levels. Understanding the patterns and processes of evolution is essential in comprehending all living systems.

In our course, faculty members conduct diverse research from unique perspectives on topics such as “morphogenesis,” “physiology and adaptation,” and “ecology and environment,” incorporating evolutionary perspectives and approaches. Students can gain a comprehensive understanding of biology across all hierarchical levels, from molecules to ecosystems, and study a wide range of taxonomic groups, including microorganisms, plants, and animals. Additionally, students can engage in cutting-edge environmental research at the Center for Marine Environmental Studies (CMES).


If you click on the name, you will be directed to the corresponding page on Researchmap, where you can find more information about the researcher and their publications. To access additional information, simply click on the icon located on the right-hand side of the page.

FieldsNameResearchFind more
EmbryologyHiromi TakataMorphological and histological studies on organ changes associated with the metamorphosis of African clawed frogs
Evolutionary morphologyYasunori MurakamiEvolutionary developmental studies of the vertebrate brain and neural network
Evolutionary morphologyMakiko FukuiComparative embryological studies of arthropods, especially insects
Plant morphologyYasushi SatoResearch on mechanisms of cell differentiation, morphogenesis, and environmental responses in higher plants: especially, mechanisms of lignin production in response to xylem differentiation and environment
Plant morphologyTsuyoshi KanetaRegulation of cell shape and growth by phytohormones in higher plants
Plant physiologyYo SakumaInduction mechanisms of stress tolerance against water and temperature in plants
Plant physiologyTakahiro KatoDevelopmental control mechanisms and their evolution in land plants
Fish infectious diseasesShinichi Kitamura
1. Studies on Scuticociliatosis
2. Studies on host specificity of fish iridoviruses
3. Role of microflora in fish body surface mucus
4. Mechanisms underlying the development of infectious diseases in fish and shellfish
5. Studies on the wing coloration of swallowtail butterflies
Biological response to environmental stressesKei Nakayama
1. Evaluation of toxic effects of toxic substances on aquatic organisms
2. Analysis of biological responses to changes in complex environmental factors
ToxicologyHisato Iwata
Toxic effects of environmental pollutants on wildlife; elucidation of their molecular mechanisms, and development of risk assessment methods
EcologyToshiyuki NakajimaMicro-model ecosystems and evolution: research on species evolution, horizontal gene transfer, and the relationship between bacterial sex and evolution using flask-sized ecosystems composed of microorganisms
EcologyMikio InoueRiverine environment and biological communities
environmental structure of rivers; distribution patterns of organisms; interactions among organisms; and responses to environmental modification, focusing on fish and benthic invertebrates
EcologyHiroki HataThe network structure of interspecific relationships between primary producers and consumers in freshwater and marine realms; especially, species specificity and cultivation symbiosis between algae and algae-eaters in coral reef areas and Lake Tanganyika, Africa
EcologyYume ImadaEvolutionary ecology of plant-insect interactions; ecology and ecological morphology of insects; paleoecology of biological interactions in the fossil records

How to enroll in Ehime University?

Information on admissions for the Faculty of Science at Ehime University is available here.